Climate Change 2016 wrap up : second service

You came! Here's the second installment Renewable Energy There was massive growth in the renewable energy sector. More than 360 companies called upon the incoming US president not to pull out of the Paris Agreement in November 2016. The RE100 is an initiative by major global companies committing to use renewable energy in their operations and at some point in the future going 100% renewable. Such include Adobe, Apple, Bloomberg, BMW etc. Apple in fact is doing so well that it wants to sell the excess power generated from the solar panels on the roof of its complex in California. Apple campus in Calif. - appleinsider Renewables became more competitive as they became cheaper than coal and oil as a source of energy. The International Energy Agency released their World Energy Outlook which showed growth in renewables and a slump in coal. Wind and solar became cheaper.Renewables surpassed coal and oil in 2014 and continue to do so in 2016. The use of rene...