
Showing posts from August, 2017

Pitch Perfect : Saving the planet all the way to the bank!

N ow let’s turn the tide a bit, talk about how #ActOnClimate makes business sense for us. Embed from Getty Images T he other very important way in which the low carbon pathway makes business sense is the very altruistic reason of human and animal/ plant health. Fossil fuels right from when they are being mined right up the chain to the level when they are combusted or used, are harmful to the health of the inhabitants of planet Earth. F or example, burning coal, the dirtiest fossil fuel, can cause neurological damage, heart failure, cancer and respiratory problems in humans just to name a few. This occurs as result of contact with dioxins and furans (harmful chemical compounds), heavy metals as well as fly and bottom ash. If these harmful by products leached into the soil and neighboring water sources, then we are certainly a doomed lot, one for the direct effects and two because we ware feeding the very thing that devours us. A nd we all know, if we want to have mon

The business of climate change : the pitch!

H ello there ladies and gentlemen, how are you ?   I hope life has been pleasant and kind to you. I trust and verily hope that you have been keeping well and have learnt a thing or two about life in these few months we have been on break.   I hope that for you aspiring way makers, change makers have learnt that it’s not all partying and wasting your life away. Have you observed that life is a canvas for you to paint your life story on? It is a teacher, a professor if you will, that teaches and instructs at her own pace and dishes, doles out her snippets as she sees fit. T herefore, we learn at our pace and each his lesson. Imbibe the wisdom R ight! Ladies and gentlemen you are now young adults. We all do remember how as children we all craved to have the freedom to make our own choices and live by them. As you well understand by now, freedom has to be hard fought; it never is given easily – even the freedom to decide how your life should be. T hat is why we