Making the most of Climate Change - Adapting African Agriculture!

Hi!☺ Glad you dropped by. Here’s today’s post. A griculture is the biggest contributor to Africa’s economy, a source of livelihood; employing over 50% of the continent’s labour force. A lot of the more than one billion people that live in this our beloved continent rely on agriculture both directly and indirectly for a livelihood, to raise their children, to have a decent quality of life, for human dignity. A frica has 65% of the world’s arable land . Of this, only 2% is under irrigation while the potential stands at 25%. Also 66% of all land in Africa is arid and semi-arid. It is also a fact that agriculture in Africa is largely rain fed and so dependent on the natural weather patterns which are now influenced by climate change. As a matter of fact, agriculture takes up 65% of Africa's labour force and accounts for 32% of the continent’s overall GDP [i] I n other words, we depend on agriculture not just for food, but for the ec...