
Showing posts from April, 2019

Climate Change And Faith, Is It Really A Conflict? My Perspective.

T here are people who think faith and science are at odds when it comes to climate change, something i personally disagree with. I also think that this is more to do with culture and economic reasons rather than faith based reasons. Climate change is one of these things that faces a perceived credibility problem among a section of the world’s population, albeit wrongfully. This is something I find odd because in my opinion there’s a place for each, science and faith. I n fact I find that each is important in this life. But I will speak for myself, as a person of faith and a Christian believer who is also a climate change practitioner. I believe in God, undoubtedly. I was raised Christian from birth and eventually of my own free will became a believer in Jesus Christ, on whom the entire Christian faith is based. Embed from Getty Images I also have had an affinity for the natural world, which I find beautiful. Perhaps it is also my strength because subjects such as biology an...