State Of Climate 2019 : The Year In Review

T he year 2019 was an eventful one when it comes to climate. We started the year hot on the heels of COP 24, and the resolutions that had come off it – the launch of the rule book governing the Paris climate change agreement. However, some things like Article 6, which deals with carbon markets were still pending. courtesy of shutterstock January 2019 was marked by an exceptionally strong drought over Southern Africa, vastly affecting food supply and water availability. The rains had reduced over the planting season and as a result millions were at risk. Australia also marked the warmest January on record. This period was marked by an extremely cold polar vortex over North America, dumping record snow over the continent. Perhaps this spurred strong climate action in March, as school strikes around the world saw a million children and young people walk out and protest for their future. The Fridays for Future movement al...