Transport And Climate Change

Transport contributes a huge share of greenhouse gas emissions that are responsible for climate change. Transport constitutes 14 % of emissions on its own, and 23% of emissions from the energy sector. Globally, energy is the source of two thirds of all emissions. As it is currently, 95% of transport is propelled by fossil fuels mainly coal and oil. The transport sector is broad, and touches on several sustainable goals namely affordable and clean energy which is goal 7, goal 9 which is industry, innovation and infrastructure, goal 11 which is sustainable cities and communities and goal 13 which is climate action. Cheap and reliable transport is also a crucial part of economic growth, covered by goal 8. Transport can be broadly categorized into four namely shipping, aviation, rail and vehicles. Let us start with ships. Most of the world’s trade is done through sea, about 80% of global trade is through ships. Shipping as an industry is responsible for 3% of global emissions and...