Climate and tech : the connections
Recently, scientists declared that we are now living
in the anthropocene, that is, the geological epoch influenced by human
activities. One of the most significant ways in which mankind has altered
natural earth systems is the invention and use of technology. The other is
climate change.
Some facts, first of all.
a) Technology
by itself, is a benign weapon, it can be used for good or bad.
b) Technology
is also a way of life for 21st century homo sapiens.
c) Technology
and climate change are also interlinked.
so? Well think of fracking, construction of oil rigs both in on and off shore
wells. These are some of the ways technology has led to climate change.
So how can we, as the leading inhabitants of planet Earth use tech to help this planet of ours and save it from dangerous climate change?
Let’s see…
The IPCC, the UN organization tasked with gathering
climate data and making scientific predictions and scenarios, authored a report
which recognized the role tech has to play in both adaptation and especially
It recognized the need of innovation and tech development and transfer in helping
vulnerable communities cope with the worst effects of climate change.
An example would be in early warning systems.
This means development of systems that can pick up the signs that weather
systems are about to change radically. That is, extreme weather events like
cyclones or long droughts are about to occur.
For example, it is currently possible to predict the
El-Nino months before it happens. That means we are better prepared to deal
with its effects and mobilize to face its onset.
The same would apply to cyclones though this is a
tad different because cyclones can form in a matter of hours but cause so much
There is therefore need to come up with state of the
art systems, well oiled machines that can pick up the signs in a heartbeat and convey the message fast enough for
preparation to take place. This means more expertise and investment is needed.
Digital banking and cashless systems like the use of
mobile money (like MPesa) means that virtually no
fuel is involved as people no longer need to drive to carry out transactions in physical banking
halls. That means emissions from transport are reduced.
Also cashless systems ensure that less paper is used
and that means emissions from forestry are reduced significantly. The paper
which is used to make cash is from trees that play a big role in mitigating
climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
Speaking of IT, tech companies like Apple and Google
are big on renewable energy, with Apple using 100% renewables. In fact they
have a vast array of solar panels in their campus in Calif.
Google aims to reach the 100% renewables target this
And then there are apps that track your carbon
footprint and then you can decide to offset these emissions by supporting
projects in mitigation.
Sometimes it is as simple as digitizing everything.
Instead of using paper to print books, take advantage of e-books, blog instead
of getting a diary. That is, move our entire lives online and thus save on
paper and the energy used to mill it.
This is a simple but very effective of reducing
Social media on its own is a juggernaut, opening up
new horizons and connecting people. It is now the new and one may argue, most
preferred way of communication. Movements can be born online, in hashtags,
trends and campaigns. It would be a very effective way of creating awareness
about #climatechange and move the odds in our favour.
Climate engineering is a term used to mean the use
of manmade methods to manipulate climate to suit our tastes. It is highly
controversial because we do not know how interference in natural systems will
affect the planet and for how long and in what ways.
Such methods would include creating machines or
technology that effectively suck CO2 from the air and store it underground.
However this has been argued as practically giving
a licence to pollute. Because hey, if you know there is something to clean
up your mess, then you can add as many tonnes of carbon dioxide into the air as
you want.
Alternatively, there are other ideas out there, for
example, mirrors to reflect solar light back to space or volcanic ash to act as
atmospheric haze and stop light from reaching Earth.
To be clear though, such ideas are still polemic. Is
it ethical? Moral?
In other fields, lab grown meat is now a reality.
Coupled with the invention of beef and dairy substitutes, the two techniques
could help curb emissions from livestock.
Energy and Renewables
In transport, use of electric vehicles is fast
catching on and is on its way to becoming mainstream. Electric vehicles use
electricity instead of diesel, petrol (gas). The battery power stays longer
than their diesel counterparts.
Tesla is championing this technology so watch this
space. This is the next frontier in vehicular transport.
It is however important to note that this
electricity needs to be produced from renewable sources otherwise we aren’t getting
anywhere if coal is burnt to produce electricity.
Biofuels are also being touted as a good additive or
entire replacement for the jet fuel that is in use today. That would vastly
reduce emissions from aviation sector. Research and development is going on in
an effort to find the best biofuel.
Piezoelectricity is electricity derived from crystals
and still in research before development for large scale use.
Nuclear fusion could also be a potential source of
zero emission energy. Both ITER and General Fusion, a company from Canada are in the process
of building a new kind of nuclear fusion reactor. Such reactors would produce
helium as a byproduct and are thus a tad safer than fission reactors. This
would revolutionize how we view energy and possibly drive fossil fuels out of
Advances in technology used in solar and wind power
means that we continue to make the cost of renewables fall as efficiency
For example, there are now bladeless turbines
developed by Vortex Bladeless whereby oscillating
cylinders are used to generate electricity as opposed to the usual blade wind
turbines, The technology alongside that of energy kites by Makani Energy is still
in its infancy stage but looks very promising.
![]() |
bladeless wind turbines by Vortex Bladeless - image courtesy of techtimes |
Another plus is that we reduce waste.
Climate proofed infrastructure is infrastructure
that can withstand extreme weather events caused by climate change. Such events
would include higher than normal temperatures, huge amounts of snow or even
flash floods caused by excess rain.
When it comes to buildings, insulating material and
alignment can be combined with the use of natural lighting to provide both heat
and light to buildings. This would stop emissions from fossil energy used to
previously power such.
Plant engineering basically means use of bio
engineering to produce faster growing crops which need less water and yield
more, this would help in adaptation.
Another way tech is positively helping in adaptation
is the building of machines that absorb moisture from the atmosphere and turn
it into water. Yaaay for the human race and especially in areas of water
scarcity caused by climate change!
To end this article, technology by its very nature
is a product of innovation. And necessity is the mother of invention.
That means that the possibilities in this field are
dynamic, unpredictable virtually limitless.
Granted, we should not ignore our very own role in
climate change. Technology should be used as a way of remedying dangerous
climate change, as opposed to being carte
blanche to further increase carbon pollution. It should also be used in
conjunction with natural methods of reducing emissions such as forestry,
planting trees.
is basically meant to advance a low carbon pathway, a new scenario, to turn
from the old way of doing things to a new one.
assist in saving the planet, not to further its ruin.
And on that note, do please have a good day.
Join the debate online.
I’m at _wacinga
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