Energy, Water And Climate Change
Energy is connected to water as water is connected to energy while both are influenced by climate change, further altering the dynamics of this relationship.
A growing world population means more energy and water will
be needed.
Energy is used in withdrawal, transport, processing and
cleaning of water. Water withdrawal refers to removal/collection of water from
source. Energy is used to pump water from surface water (lakes, springs, rivers
and even oceans) and transport it to processing plants. Here, the water is
cleaned and purified according to its various purposes. Large scale
distillation and chlorination, done to make water potable (drinkable) all
require quite the amount of energy. Energy is then used to transport and
distribute this water to households.
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The Kaptis Hydropower plant (image: Africa Energy Portal) |
Industries and farms require a different quality of water
but energy is also used in water treatment and transport/ distribution
especially over long distances. The amount of energy used depends on both the
distance therefore transport needs and the amounts of water needed. Piped water
is pumped from the water processing plant while water can be transported
manually by bowsers and other vehicles. All use energy.
For places that rely on groundwater, energy is used to
access underground aquifers (water bearing rocks), drill them and pump the
water upwards for consequent processing, distribution and use. In times of
drought, insufficient rainfall, growing population pressures and poor water
use, this extraction increases significantly.
Groundwater has a higher amount of dissolved salts unlike
surface water and so requires more energy for processing and chemical
distillation before it becomes fit for drinking and other uses.
Water scarcity therefore directly increases the cost of energy
Energy is used for wastewater treatment before discharge. In
most countries, laws and regulations require that wastewater be cleaned
properly before discharge into water bodies such as rivers and lakes. For the
most part, this requires removal of solids, dissolved organic matter and salts
(nutrients) and in some, disinfection. Some processes are natural, others need mechanical
distillation while others use chemicals. All require energy as much as
transport of this water does.
Another water and energy process is desalination.
Desalination refers to the removal of salts from seawater to make it sufficient
for use. It is an energy intensive process and expensive. However, it is
necessary in countries that suffer water stress such as North Africa or Arabic
countries. Additionally, with a changing climate forecasted to increase water
stress in different regions globally, desalination will be used more frequently
to satisfy water demand. This in turn increases energy use and consequently increases
the cost of both water and energy.
Now, as it stands, the energy used in the all the above
mentioned processes is usually from fossil fuels. Road transport uses oil. When
electricity is used in any process, it is mainly generated from coal power
plants/ thermal power plants. Therefore, a large share of the energy is
non-renewable. Fossil fuels release carbon emissions into the atmosphere. In
some countries however, renewable sources such as hydropower, nuclear and to a
growing extent solar or wind are used to generate electricity which is then supplied
to the main grid. Off grid power can also be used to in desalination and other
Agriculture and industry are the leading sectors globally
that use water. Irrigated agriculture uses energy to pump and distribute water.
Industry requires energy for transport and distribution of water and also uses
water in industrial processes (cleaning and cooling and as an ingredient in
On the other hand, water is a part of energy production.
Water is used to generate hydropower from dammed rivers. It is used in
extraction of fossil fuels especially coal and oil. It is used in thermal power
plants as a coolant. For the same reason it is used in nuclear power plants.
Lack of enough water directly causes the price of energy to
shoot up because of the critical role water plays in all these energy
generation processes.
All the aforementioned use plenty of water and so place a
considerable demand on water supply. This is why for the most part, such plants
are located near water sources. Otherwise, considerable costs are incurred in
water withdrawal and transport.
Hydropower is a relatively cheaper and carbon free source of
energy but is directly faced by the impacts of a changing climate.
Water is used to a lesser extent in solar photovoltaics and
wind energy for cleaning. However in concentrated solar power (CSP), more water
is used in the energy production process.
There are several risks associated with energy and water.
One is that the higher the energy needs the more water is extracted. The amount
of water withdrawn from a source increases and this increases competition with
other water needs such as ecosystem use (the natural world), agriculture and
household consumption. There is also the issue of fair and equitable sharing of
water sources (and also derived energy) between host communities and other end
Another issue is the sharing of transboundary water
resources. These are waterbodies that straddle national or regional borders.
The use of such water bodies by any participant country has to be done with due
regard to the needs of the other countries.
Groundwater extraction can pose a problem because of
insufficient recharge rates from rainwater and surface water. Also, some
aquifers are sandwiched between two impervious layers of rock. Therefore such
aquifers cannot be recharged and once depleted the water is finished. And this
means water scarcity.
Coastal freshwater aquifers providing drinking water are
threatened from encroachment by sea water making them saline. That is, depleted
layers of permeable rock previously holding freshwater will now contain saline
water unfit for use. The consequences for coastal communities is big,
especially given that many seaside cities are important centers of trade and
Now, climate change affects precipitation patterns. It does
this through affecting the timing, seasonality, geographical variability,
duration, quality and quantity of rainfall. Climate change caused droughts and heat
waves increase evaporation rates from water bodies and deplete surface water.
They also increase transpiration from plants. They directly cause water
scarcity which consequently affects everything else.
Invariably, these impacts increase water demand on its own,
and also affect energy prices because more energy is needed to satisfy cooling
needs, and energy generation requires water.
Climate change leads to a lesser snow pack meaning lower
amounts of water in summer. This increases demand and so more groundwater extraction.
The costs of energy shoots up because more water is needed
in thermal power plants as they increase output. More energy is also used as
attention turns toward increased pumping of groundwater and desalination of sea
water to satisfy demand. Lesser amounts of water available in dammed reservoirs
mean a higher cost of power as the share of hydropower diminishes and thermal
plants which are more expensive takeover. This translates to more climate
pollution as more fossil fuels are used.
When there’s too much rain and resultant flash floods,
energy facilities can be submerged. Also, more energy is required to pump out
water from different areas. Wastewater plants can be flooded and this poses the
immediate risk of waterborne diseases from contaminated water. Typhoons can
knock out power supply.
Sea level rise, a result of climate change, directly
increases the cost of energy because the water encroaches inland and so
contaminates freshwater aquifers. Dependent communities therefore have to look
for a source of water elsewhere or carry out desalination. Both mean higher
prices for water because of higher energy costs and higher energy prices on its
Sometimes, industries release water back into the environment
which has higher than normal temperatures. Known as thermal pollution, this
water is dangerous for marine life because of the heat itself and because of
lower amounts of dissolved oxygen in hot water. Sometimes, the water contains
dissolved agricultural chemicals which can overly fertilize water bodies and
cause eutrophication eventually leading to dead water zones that contain no
life. Energy is required to cool this water and sufficiently treat it before
Hydropower plants cause thermal pollution and also flood
areas inhabited by people and wildlife.
Biofuels refer to the large scale growing of energy plants
which are burnt to provide electricity. Though renewable, this type of energy
requires a lot of water used to irrigate the plants in their growth phase. It
has a high water demand.
As global temperatures rise because of more and more
emissions of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, the more climate will continue
to change.
It is predicted that as droughts become more frequent and
longer, more areas will become water scarce and those that already suffer
scarcity become arid and semiarid. There will be more competition for water
resources between economic sectors, and between human needs and the natural
world. This will also occur between communities which will trigger or increase
conflict and social upheavals.
Furthermore, the percentage of water withdrawal will spike,
while water consumption (water used and not returned to source) increases
dramatically. Energy prices will also shoot up.
Now, in the face of all this, there are some remedial
measures. One is to recycle and reuse water. Water can be used for multiple
purposes when carefully collected. Water recycling is an easy and useful
principle. Done at the household level, it could greatly cut the need for fresh
supply. Water reuse is already happening in large scale in countries like
Israel, where it is separated into household and non-household use like
The other is to reduce wastage. Use only the required
amounts of water. Water losses from theft and leaks can be rectified and proper
action taken.
Increased harvest of rainwater is another solution. Water
can be stored in underground or above ground tanks and reservoirs. Water pans
and dams that are leaching- proof can be constructed too.
Use of renewable energy in water related processes is good
for both climate and human needs. In North Eastern Kenya, boreholes are sunk
and operated using power from solar panels mounted nearby. They are colocated.
Shared energy and water facilities is another answer. To
lessen the cost of water transport, power plants such as thermal can be located
near adequate water supply. Energy generation plants can be located next to
water processing plants. They can benefit from their dependencies.
Wastewater plants can produce energy through large scale
production of biogas. Already in operation in some places, plants that clean
wastewater can produce energy from organic waste. The same energy can be
derived from landfills containing municipal waste. This energy can be rewired
to power the plant and even provide surplus to be sold to the main grid.
Treated wastewater can also be used in place of freshwater
in power generation plants. This lessens demand on freshwater.
Use of renewable energy as a whole to replace non-renewable
fossil fuels will dramatically cut greenhouse gas emissions and lower water
Conservation of water sources such as forests is another
solution. Forests create a microclimate and increase rainfall. They act as
buffers against the worst effects of climate change. Evapotranspiration rates
from forests mean more rain. A cooler atmosphere because of forests translate
to less demand for water and energy used for air conditioning and cooling.
A very important thing is to address the energy and water
sectors jointly. The two are inextricable, so naturally measures in one area
will affect the other.
Therefore, policy and legal interventions for energy, water
and climate change should be holistic and also address social equity and
environmental stability.
Of course, because climate change will as a matter of fact
affect water in general, then cutting greenhouse gas emissions is the most
consequential solution.
Want to save energy and water? Act on Climate.
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