Water, Mitigation And Climate Change
Freshwater systems are an indispensable part of climate
action, because mitigation, which is the cutting avoidance or absorption of
carbon emissions, is not possible without water. Water therefore forms the
central focus of climate action.
Only 3% of the world’s water resources is freshwater in both
solid (frozen) and liquid (water) form while the rest is saline sea water in
the oceans. With a growing world population, higher energy demand and the
effects of climate change, the demand for freshwater will spike against a
limited supply. Moreover, as it becomes ever more important to cut greenhouse
gas emissions, the role of freshwater in climate mitigation will come to the
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A serene natural landscape. Source(Emmanuel/iwaria) |
Safe and clean water is a human right and is one of the
sustainable development goals.
Freshwater itself is a natural resource that plays many
roles in mitigation. The first is in nature based solutions like forests.
Forests mitigate climate change because they absorb carbon dioxide in
photosynthesis and also regulate atmospheric temperatures (heat) and moisture
levels. They also buffer against climate impacts such as reducing the damage
from flash floods etc.
Mitigation efforts concerning forests include afforestation
and reforestation. The first is the growing of trees in new lands while the
second is replanting trees in cleared but formerly forested areas. Both need
considerable amounts of freshwater because water is one of the key ingredients
for plant growth. These efforts cannot succeed without a good supply of water.
It is important to first verify the type of tree species
planted in an area because different species have different water needs. Some
types of trees are water intensive and require more water but maybe fast
growing. Such trees place a demand on freshwater supply and increase
competition with other domestic, industrial and ecosystem uses. Eucalyptus
species for example have been known to dry up riverbeds. Notably, for climate
mitigation, all tree species, including plantation forests, will absorb carbon dioxide
but only the right mix of indigenous trees suited for a particular area will
protect biodiversity, the freshwater supply and the larger ecosystem.
Lack of freshwater can cause trees in mature forests to actually
release carbon dioxide as they start degrading and dying. This is the same for
drying out grasslands and shrub lands. All ecosystems need water to maintain
their functions and carbon stocks.
Droughts of which, climate change is a cause, impact forests
by reducing growth rates of trees and their ability to sequester carbon.
Water is therefore essential for the climate mitigation
function of forests and other natural vegetation groups.
Water is also needed for irrigation for croplands. Like all green vegetation, croplands sequester carbon both in the above ground parts (the trunk and all associated foliage) and below the ground (roots, tubers etc.). However, plant growth requires water. Irrigation is one of the adaptation responses to climate impacts in the agriculture sector, and works towards food security. Freshwater supply is needed in order to make this a reality.
An associated issue is soil carbon content whereby water
plays a big part. Well drained soils and high soil moisture content is one of
the requirements for high storage of soil carbon. Wet soils are able to lock in
more carbon while dry soils release carbon into the atmosphere and are more
prone to water and wind erosion. Soils hold a huge amount of carbon and are the
second biggest carbon sinks after oceans.
Excess application of agrochemicals in the presence of water
makes nitrogen fixing bacteria release nitrous oxide (N2O) into the atmosphere.
N2O is a greenhouse gas.
In other ways, agroforestry practiced in farms can help
increase freshwater flows by increasing the percolation rate of surface water
and so increasing groundwater recharge. Trees shade the soil and reduce water
loss from soils thus increasing their ability to lock in carbon. They hold soil
together and prevent wind and water erosion and soil carbon loss. They also add
to organic matter in soil by their biomass. Trees contribute to the
hydrological cycle and improve the microclimate.
Fruit trees can be medicinal and also provide nutrition.
Water bodies are an important of climate mitigation in many ways. On their own, rivers and lakes naturally release small amounts of methane, which is a greenhouse gas. However, when agricultural chemicals such as nitrogen based fertilizers are washed into lakes and rivers, they fertilize the water body causing massive growth of plant and algae. This then rot to deplete dissolved oxygen in water and harm marine life while also releasing nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide and methane which are all greenhouse gases. In these way, these fresh water bodies become net sources of GHGS.
Peatlands and other wetlands are very carbon heavy, storing
up carbon in their very rich organic soils which are usually waterlogged i.e.
covered by water. This water is freshwater and in essence stops the complete
breakdown of dead plant and animal organic matter. The waterlogged conditions
(lack of oxygen) stop organic decomposition. Peatlands contain organic matter
stored up for thousands of years (twice the amount of carbon in forests) though
they only cover about 3% of global surface area. In order to conserve this
carbon sequestering function, they need to be protected. Peatlands are usually
drained or burnt for agriculture and mining which releases their vast stores of
carbon. To protect them, they need to be rewetted (need water) and kept so. Peatlands
also supply drinking water to communities.
Mangroves are coastal ecosystems that are dependent on
constant inflow of freshwater from rivers. This is why they are located at
river mouths in brackish water. The freshwater from rivers dilutes the salinity
content of the water while increasing nutrient load. This allows for a delicate
balance that allows mangroves to thrive. Mangroves absorb four times the amount
of carbon dioxide terrestrial forests do.
The other types of coastal ecosystems i.e. seagrasses and
saltmarshes also depend on freshwater flow to increase sediment and nutrient
content in their habitats and enable them to thrive. These ecosystems are also
strong absorbers of atmospheric carbon, locking it up in sediment, their bodies
and the deep substrate beneath.
In terms of energy, hydropower is generated from dams and
reservoirs built in river courses in order to generate electricity. These dams
need a supply of freshwater as they are located across rivers. Hydropower necessitates
the flooding of large areas next to a river. All the vegetation then covered by
water releases methane as it rots. Not only so, but if the catchment area of
such a river hence the dam is agricultural, then agrochemicals such as
fertilizers and organic content will fill up the dam making it fertile and a
source of both nitrous oxide and methane. The two are greenhouse gases. Large
scale hydro alters water temperature i.e. dammed water is hotter than normal,
and this also accelerates the rate of greenhouse emissions.
Unperturbed waterbodies (less human interference) act as
carbon sinks instead of sources.
Freshwater is needed for negative emission technologies
(NETS) such as growing of bio-energy crops with carbon capture and storage (BECCS).
These crop types require land and compete with other land uses including agricultural
crops. But most importantly they place quite a demand on freshwater supply
because they have to be irrigated to grow. Therefore they interfere with the
natural workings of an ecosystem and also alter the water cycle in such areas. BECCS
act by absorbing atmospheric carbon dioxide emissions through photosynthesis
and provide energy when they are burnt. They are carbon neutral or negative
depending on where the resultant emissions are stored.
Carbon capture and storage (CCS), with CO2 injected into
rock formations has the potential to infiltrate groundwater sources with the
possibility of changing the characteristics of groundwater and its safety
regarding consumption.
Freshwater is also needed to cool thermal power plants
including nuclear and solar plants. The latter involves concentrated solar
power (CSP) and solar PV to a very limited extent. Geothermal power might need
reinjection of water into drilled wells to produce steam.
All these are climate mitigation strategies in the energy
sector that require water.
Drinking water is another area concerning climate change
mitigation. Freshwater from surface and ground sources is pumped or abstracted
from one area, treated, transported and distributed using energy. Capacity to
reduce emissions can be found in reducing losses through theft, leakage, poor
metering, illegal connections and just wasteful use. Careful studying and
mapping of entire water supply routes will yield information on the location of
water losses, the time it happens, the cause and volumes. This will not only
reduce costs for the water utility firm but it will also reduce energy used and
therefore the emissions produced. Another solution is to use clean energy to
cut emissions.
Wastewater is another major area concerning climate change
mitigation. Basic and good sanitation is a human right, which unfortunately not
everyone has access to. Sewage (wastewater) releases quite a significant amount
of greenhouse gases (methane and nitrous oxide) apart from carbon dioxide which
is released when energy (including electricity) is used in the entire chain
(transport, airing, collection). They tally to around 3% of global emissions.
Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are a source of greenhouse gases especially
methane because of the decomposition of organic matter. Moreover, untreated
wastewater, of which a good portion of wastewater is released untreated into
the environment on a global scale, is a big source of GHG emissions because of
all the biological processes that happen in it.
When discharged into a water body in its raw state,
wastewater immediately poisons the water making it unfit for human consumption
of any kind and kills marine life. Not only so, it makes the said water body a
net source of greenhouse gas emissions.
There is however huge potential for wastewater facilities
because they can become a source of energy. The gases released (methane,
nitrous oxide and biogas) can be collected and used to power the facility
instead of using energy from the grid. If such a plant can in this manner be
energy independent (supplying its own energy), then it is energy neutral. And
in some instances it can actually supply more than it needs and sell this back
to the main grid making it energy positive. This releases it from dependence on
fossil fuel energy.
Another way to reduce emissions from these plants is to be
more energy efficient. Reduce wastefulness.
Methane (CH4) can also be flared.
The biggest contributor to methane is faecal matter (human
waste) which being broken down releases slightly less than three quarters of
all CH4 emissions from WWTPs
Wastewater plants can benefit from the latest technology and
better design in order to capture and reduce GHG emissions. They can also use
renewables to supply energy making them “greener” and climate friendly.
Emissions from standalone septic tanks and sewers can be
used to provide energy for household use reducing pressure on the use of
fuelwood and other plant based sources of energy. This would work towards
reducing of deforestation rates and forest degradation.
Independent sanitation solutions like pit latrines also
release methane into the atmosphere and connecting them to sewerage facilities
can help capture this greenhouse gas and put it to good use. However, they are
a good solution to sanitation when constructed above ground water (to avoid
contamination) and contribute to nutrient recycling. Such waste is organic and after
proper handling and treatment can be used even in agriculture. This is what
happens in composting toilets.
Concerning the Water, Sanitation and Health Sector (WASH)
one of the problems that exist in relation to climate change mitigation is
simply the lack of knowledge about the issue. Not much about this area makes it
to climate discussions despite the potential.
Not only so, there is very little data that exists which
would help in formulation of action plans.
Some of the solutions concerning freshwater and climate
change mitigation is centralized and integrated governance. Climate change
mitigation is not possible without use of freshwater to a large extent, and
climate action impacts the water cycle and freshwater sources.
Therefore, solutions have to look at the issue holistically
and not independent of one another.
Inclusion of the water sector in in Nationally Determined Contributions
(NDCs) and national adaptation plans (NAPs) would be a step in the right
Enhance cooperation between all players in the water sector.
This includes all levels of government, regions, communities and users and
especially in transboundary water resources.
Data gathering, monitoring and reporting is crucial if at
all to measure the climate relevance of the water sector, especially
sanitation. This translates to capacity building and training of manpower but also
use of reliable technology.
Water is a common resource and there exists one global water cycle. Hence climate action concerning freshwater should take into account collective responsibility and unity in purpose.
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